Sunday, March 15, 2009

Aperture and Shutter Speed

This section is probably one of the hardest concepts to grasp. For this section i will try to explain in my own terms to as what they are. I will start with shutter speed. Shutter speed is pretty much what it sounds like. It is the amount of time it takes for the shutter of the lens to open and close. The faster the shutter speed the less light aloud in and the darker the picture will be. The slower the shutter speed the more light aloud and the brighter the picture. Aperture is the depth to field. Meaning that it is how much of the lens is used. It can be opened wide to gain more area yet the detail will be a little hazy or it can be closed somewhat and then you gain more detail and lose some area. It takes time to master these two features of a camera but once you gain the concept you can take some amazing photos that really capture a scene.

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